Zafer MAYDA Director
Nurullah UĞUZ Security Manager (Oral and Dental Healthcare Education Aplication and Research Center)
Yaşar AKYÜZ Security Chief
Yalçın SARITAŞ Security Chief
Veysel ŞAHİN Security Personnel
Göktuğ COŞKUN Security Personnel
Hatice Tülay TAŞÇI Security Personnel
Hasan Onur BAYRAM Security Personnel
İbrahim ÇOBANOĞLU Security Personnel
Nedim ERDİN Security Personnel
Derya ÇAKMAK Security Personnel
Ferdi GÜNEŞ Security Personnel
Fazıl ALKAN Security Personnel
Deniz YILDIZ Security Personnel
Ayşe TAŞDELEN Security Personnel
Gökhan Demirel Security Personnel
Keramettin ARSLAN Security Personnel
Mehmet Akif DABAK Security Personnel
Şükrü ÇOLAK Security Personnel
Özge ŞENGÜN Security Personnel
Sema DEMİRCİOĞLU Security Personnel
Alper Alkın Security Personnel
İlhan KARTAL Security Personnel
Kenan ÜLKER Security Personnel
Tuncay SUCUOĞLU Security Personnel
Barış SAĞLAM Security Personnel
Uğur KAHVECİ Security Personnel
Gökhan PAÇACI Security Personnel
Hilal TURGUT Security Personne
Mustafa YILMAZ Security Personnel
Muhammed Haluk ALUÇ Security Personnel
Mustafa ÇETİNER Security Personnel
Fatih ODABAŞI Security Personnel
Esma AYDOĞDU Security Personnel
İsmail YILDIRAN Security Personnel
KVKK hakkındaki bilgilendirme dokümanlarını okudum ve anladım, buna göre paylaştığım bilgilerimin işlenebileceğini kabul ediyorum.