Kent Üniversitesi


This is the context for this Code, which establishes an overall ethics code for Istanbul Kent University. 

Those carrying out research or other activities governed by established policies and procedures relating to ethics should continue to follow these established policies and procedures in relation to such matters, as well as the wider requirements set out in this Code. 

Whilst it is impossible to devise a single set of rules to resolve every ethical dilemma, this Code is intended to provide a starting point to help members of the University to identify and tackle ethical issues faced in the course of their activities. 

The whole of the University’s community, including all its staff, students, governors and associates are expected to comply with this Code and to behave in line with the principles set out in it (and references to “members”, “members of the University” or “members of the University community” should be construed as referring to all such people.) For the avoidance of doubt: 

  • this includes where University staff engage in consultancy arrangements; whether or not through consultants, 
  • those issued with honorary contracts from the University are expected to comply with the terms of this Code in the same manner as staff members. 

The University will look to those in senior positions in particular to set an example in their conduct and to promote and support good ethical behaviour. 

The Code sets out a number of key principles and behaviours which the University expects of its members. It is structured around the following themes: 

  • Section 1: Integrity as the guiding principle
  • Section 2: Facilitating a leading academic community
  • Section 3: Third party interactions
  • Section 4: Other ethical matters. 

Section 5 deals with ethical governance of matters raised pursuant to this Code. It is not intended to replace existing review mechanisms but is intended to supplement them and to provide for appropriate reporting and accountability at the highest level in cases not falling under other review procedures. Please note that nothing in this policy is intended to affect the application of the University’s whistle blowing policy. 
In appropriate cases, breaches of the Code and related policies may be treated as offences under the University’s disciplinary procedures. 


The University is committed to demonstrating independence, honesty and transparency in all its activities and expects its staff, students and other members of the University community to show the same commitment. 

Members are expected to: 

  • Be honest and truthful in their dealings with each other and with third parties 
  • Manage conflicts in interests in line with the University’s procedures. University should not be involved in any decision from which they (or others close to them) might derive some personal benefit. 
  • Display transparency and fairness in decision making The University aims to make decisions in a transparent and fair manner in accordance with its published policies and procedures, whilst honouring its obligations in relation to privacy and confidentiality. Members should conduct their activities avoiding any suggestion of bribery, fraud, corruption and other such practices which may prevent them from making decisions or being seen to make decisions in a transparent and fair manner. 


It is important that all members of the University community work together to achieve the University’s academic mission and to facilitate a leading academic community. The University expects its members to: 

A. Behave appropriately 

All members of the University community should behave in a manner which aims to enhance the reputation of the university and always in accordance with the principles set out in this Code and the University’s wider policies and procedures. They should meet the highest standards of professional and academic conduct. The University also has in place rigorous procedures relating to expected levels of academic conduct by students.

B. Play their part within the University community 

Members should strive to contribute to the functioning of the University to the best of their ability and work with others in a supportive manner.

C. Treat people with dignity and respect 

Members of the University community should treat others as they would like to be treated themselves, and with dignity and due respect at all times. The University will not tolerate unlawful discrimination, bullying, harassment or victimisation and will deal with such matters in accordance with the applicable policies. 

D. Promote equality of opportunity and diversity 

The University is committed to promoting equality and diversity within the University community and has a number of policies to support its aims. All members should treat other people equitably, regardless of political opinions, race, gender, disability, age, religion and belief, sexual orientation, gender identity, social economic background and personal history and should work to promote a culture free of discrimination. 

E. Uphold individuals’ freedom of expression

The University upholds the principle of freedom of expression within the law. All members should recognise the right of others to such freedoms and exercise their own freedom of expression responsibly.

F. Research and educate responsibly 

Research and education is central to the University’s work but can raise ethical issues which need careful consideration. Those involved in research should conduct their research responsibly and in accordance with the University’s policies and procedures relating to research ethics. Academic staff are expected to teach to the best of their ability, be open to new ideas, and incorporate consideration of ethical issues in their teaching content when relevant.

G. Uphold the freedoms to research The University fully upholds academic freedom within the law for staff and students.


The University interacts with third parties and is reliant upon them for, amongst other things, providing income to assist the University to fulfil its aims, to provide services and collaborative opportunities to the University and to facilitate knowledge transfer opportunities.

Whilst many such relationships are highly beneficial, certain relationships may be harmful for the University and may have a significant negative impact on its reputation, its ability to secure funding and its capacity to develop beneficial relationships in the future. Ethical issues may arise, for example, from the source of funding, from the partners or collaborators involved, or from what is being agreed to (in terms of output, methodology, potential use of the output, restrictions on publication or otherwise). 

It is necessary to consider relationships with third parties in a holistic manner, considering the rights and interests of all parties that may be affected. In such interactions, the University expects members of the University community to: 

A. Manage proposed relationships appropriately 

Members need to consider carefully the relationships they form with third parties and the impact that this can have on the University and its reputation before entering into them. 

The University has in place a Relationship Review Policy which sets out guidelines for reviewing all relationships, with specific requirements in relation to certain types of relationship: 

  • Academic collaborations 
  • Commercial partnering 
  • Philanthropic income and other gifts 
  • Procurement, purchasing and supplier relationships 
  • Research funding and related relationship agreements 
  • Other income

The Relationship Review Policy also sets out guidance regarding what members of University identifying ethical issues should do, and in particular sets out clear processes for escalating ethical concerns in appropriate cases.

B. Admit, assess and deal with students fairly 

The University is committed to fair, rigorous and transparent student admission and assessment procedures. The University’s selection criteria for admissions are fully independent of philanthropic or other support of the institution. No gift or grant will affect the academic record of any student, nor will it have a bearing on any dispute between a student and the University about his/her programme of study. 

C. Manage resources responsibly

Members of the University community should manage any financial, physical, human and intellectual resources within their control in a responsible manner, making sure that appropriate protections for the University and its community are in place and that their actions are in line with the University’s policies, procedures and regulations (including in relation to health and safety, finance and purchasing, the protection of intellectual property, the use of the University name and brand, communications and publications, and environmental matters).

D. Foster strong relationships with Alumni 

The University views ethical issues as extremely important and a number of its policies and procedures have ethical relevance.

The University expects members of the University community to: 

A. Be aware of the University’s ethical policies and procedures 

This Code is intended to act as a general ethical reference point, whist acknowledging that there are a number of other policies and procedures applying to the various aspects of the University’s operation which have ethical relevance. Members should be familiar with the policies and procedures that apply to their work and follow them. 

The Central Secretariat is developing an “Ethics Hub” listing the key policies and procedures with ethical relevance. Members of the University community are encouraged to notify any policy which they feel has ethical relevance and which is not listed in the Hub to the Central Secretariat. 

B. Raise matters of ethical concern though the prescribed channels 

The Relationship Review Policy describes the methods for raising ethical issues in certain contexts. There are specific policies and procedures (for example in relation to the ethics of research processes and concerns about research misconduct) which provide for escalation of ethical issues in certain other areas. Members should refer to their Departments and the Ethics Hub for guidance. 
Ethical issues that are not covered by specific policies should be escalated to a member’s Head of Department or equivalent using the prescribed notification documentation which can be found on the Governance Hub webpage. Thereafter, such ethical issues will be considered in accordance with the procedures set out in section 5.


A. Escalation procedures

Where a matter is raised in accordance with a specific policy or procedure, the escalation procedure specified in that policy shall apply.

In the event that a matter is raised with a Head of Department in accordance with the terms of this policy, and the relevant Head of Department does not feel able to resolve the matter, the Head of Department should provide a written report to the Head of Central Secretariat, setting out the issues and including (where appropriate) a recommendation as to how the matter should progress. 
In appropriate cases, the President and Provost will then review the matter in light of the report provided and other matters brought to its attention, seeking further advice from University members and third parties as required. Any decision reached in this forum will be reported back to the Head of Department making the reference to it via the Head of Central Secretariat (and may be used in general guidance for future use). 
All cases escalated will be included in the termly report to the Audit Committee. 

B. Record keeping 

A system of sign off and record keeping should be in place so that the University and individual decision makers can demonstrate that ethical matters have been properly considered. 

Heads of Department/equivalent should retain a record of all ethical issues raised with them, including: 

  • Copies of all ethical proforma received from members of their department 
  • details of how each ethical issue has been dealt with by that individual 
  • details (where applicable) of how that issue has been dealt with by the /President and Provost 
  • copies of all relevant reports

(Record keeping in relation to the matters dealt with under the specific procedures referred to under section 3 should take place in accordance with those policies.)

C. Accountability reporting

The University Secretary & Registrar (in consultation with others as appropriate) is required to produce a formal report for the Audit Committee each term, outlining the ethical issues considered by the President and Provost /Senate and how such matters have been dealt with. Any concerns with how the Code or related policies are functioning should be included within the report.

The Audit Committee will report to the Council on the functioning of the policy as part of its annual report, highlighting specific areas where necessary.

D. Assistance

Members requiring further advice or assistance on the applicability of this Code or the issues raised by it should contact the Central Secretariat.