Kent Üniversitesi



İstanbul Kent University R&D and Project Management Office was established and inaugurated in April 2019.

R&D and Project Management Office is responsible for carrying out processes that support project development and academic studies for grant projects of faculty members and researchers. Our Office explores opportunities for funding our academicians' individual research projects, organizing promotion days in the framework of these programs and making relevant announcements. We determine and guide suitable academicians from preparation of project applications through to completion of applications and management of contractual process when they are accepted. The Project Management Office ensures the management of the commercialization processes by assessing the intellectual values of the university, especially the assets of intellectual and industrial property rights, following up legal protection processes and transferring the rights arising from them to other structures, especially to industry, in the form of licensing. At this stage, our Office determines the specific technological requirements of the industrial organization with which we cooperate, and ensures that it is obtained  in the form of technology transfer as a result of contract-based R&D work from the university or research institution.


The main purpose of our R&D and Project Management Office is to raise the awareness of our academicians and our stakeholders regarding research opportunities, to provide support in terms of intellectual and industrial property rights, technology transfer and corporatization, and to develop policies in this direction.

Corresponding to the main fields of activity of our University, we endeavour to contribute to scientific progress through research for the benefit of the society, and to carry out research projects in cooperation with public/private health sector and industry organizations. The project office carries out these objectives within the scope of the following services:

  • Awareness-raising and promotion activities
  • Services for benefitting from funding programs
  • Project development and management activities within the scope of university-industry cooperation
  • Intellectual-industrial property rights management and licensing services
  • Corporatization and entrepreneurship services



We know that research, if developed and converted into technology, can serve as a basis for sustainable economic growth. We carry out our activities within a university that has positioned the sustainability phenomenon at the center of education, research, and community service activities. For this reason, considering current needs and opportunities in an organizational sense, one of our basic principles is to realize financially self-sufficient, sustainable projects that specialize in specific research activities.

Process Management

R&D and Project Management Office has adopted a management discipline principle that ensures continuous improvement of performance and accepts processes as a core asset. This principle allows our researchers to continuously plan, track and improve project processes.

Collaboration Development

One of our fundamental principles is to cooperate with both national and international organizations. Our academicians are strongly supported and encouraged to form research partnerships with other researchers in domestic and foreign institutions. We aim to increase interaction between the university and industry through collaborations, and to conduct scientific studies in a way that will benefit industrial companies, while allowing researchers to get to know the sector closely.


Innovative research, project and product ideas can enable universities to implement different solutions and applications. Innovation is the prime target when turning an idea or invention that contains a competitive method into a product of commercial value. The aim is to develop in accordance with the criteria of the Ministry of Science, Industry and Technology, and to take top place in the ranks of the “Inter-university Entrepreneurship and Innovation Index”.

We ensure that the entire project flow process and management of the university is carried out by the R&D and Project Management Office. Project processes vary in relation to calls for TUBITAK, Development Agencies, EU, and Ministry projects.