Kent Üniversitesi

Principles of Nutrition Laboratory

In the Principles of Nutrition Laboratory, the applications of the theoretical subjects thought in the courses of “Principles of Nutrition I and II” in the Department of Nutrition and Dietetics, are carried out. In the Laboratory, practices of units of measurement, milk and dairy products, types of meat, legumes, eggs, grains, vegetables and fruits, sugars, oils, regional cuisine dishes, special recipes used in adult diseases and pediatric diseases and baby food-related applications are introduced by paying attention to food hygiene and considering the principles of healthy food preparation, cooking and storage. Thanks to those applications, it is aimed that students learn the changes caused by the processing of nutrients such as food elements, food groups, food preparation and cooking techniques, taste, smell, consistency. In this context, applications include cooking recipe preparation, presentation and sensory and physical evaluation of food.  After each application, students are expected to prepare an application report. These studies will provide the basis for students to gain competence in meeting individual and disease-specific energy and nutrient requirements when creating a nutrition program.